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Afterward,i could have shared one lifetime with you.

Afterward,i could have shared one lifetime with you.



Fang Xiaolin asked LIn Jianqing:"Why isn't there a story that is happy from the beginning to the end?"

Lin said:"A story usually feature misfortune,but not happiness."


The ways of happiness are similar,  the unfortunate stories are varied. Misfortune may be a double-edged sword, Lin was poor when he graduted from university, which led to the distortion of his character and split up with Fang.But  Fang's departure inspired him and achieved success in his career.Years later , Lin said, "I  have tried so hard to act the way you want."Fang said:"But I am not the one I used to be."


Now, i can understand this song that was released more than 10 years ago. " But true love will find its way. Now a love is here to stay. I lost it once. And now I found a way to live again. " The time is wrong, anything isn't right. The rest is only regrettable. 


When they met in 2018, they remembered of their poor days with tears and smiles. No matter how hardships and poverty, it's a pleasure for them to live in a dark and rheumy room, sleep on a ropey bed, even eat instant noodles and preaerved szechuan pickle.


When people fall in love with right ,it's also happy to live in a small  house . There are a bed  and a cabinet also can make you feel happiness. Don't make yourself regret. Simple decoration , retro wardrobe and double bed are the main body of space, plain and cozy.              未命名_meitu_0.jpg

Wood is the best memory of the years, which undergoes endless changes,accepts the baptism and witnesses thprecipitation

 of years,brings people a  memory to recollect the past.

90319-Pine wood


The light-gray wood shows the experience of wind and frost,tells the past stories.

ro109b-Gi jon


These lines like life , interlaced , parallel, messy, circinate and radial. The parallel grain of Gi jon can never be intersect ,like a person who missed .Actually ,the grains are voice and mark of the time.

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