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2021Natural Series【Five themes】

2021Natural Series【Five themes】


In face of the health problem caused by COVID-19,the market demands are changing. We integrate the elements of "health" and "environmental protection" into the decorative materials, aim to built the first line of defense for healthy from our home, protect consumers' health, and create differentiated value for home furnishing companies. 

 Make design more imaginative 


Considering the new demands from the market, we welcome the coming new future.Improving ourselves from products to service to make all possibility of customized market.

Five Series Of Themes


The natural ecological series uses the elements of raw wood materials (cracks, knots, shadows, etc.) in the design. The colors and raw wood colors emphasize the original flavor and return to the original.




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Natural ecological,for application, maintain the natural color which brings people's positive and upward. For the furnishing style, we choose modern and simple furniture, which can make quiet and peaceful feeling, with small green plants, and the fresh breath,  enjoy the wonderful life.



Natural Raffinata originated from people's pursuit of quality and exquisite life, the lines are drawn with tension, the layers are rich,  and the decorative details with luxurious textures bring a luxurious and elegant life experience to the residents.


Keywords: High-quality Control, High-grade, Exquisite, Elegant

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Natural Raffinata,for the application, the warm milk brown color, beige and wood colors are used to present an elegant and atmospheric space style, and achieve a visual balance . Partially use black and carbon gray to form a color contrast, and then add bright colors to embellish it to maximize the modest luxurious feeling.



The art theme is one of the nature series. Here it is a representative of art. Nature has always been the thought of returning to nature that people yearn for.


Keywords: Exciting, Novel, Fun, Interesting, Distinctive

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Natural Artistica,In the product application, to make a harmonious atmosphere with warm beige,elegant coffee color and soft gray white color , to mix all element perfectly. The repeated appearance of lines, textures, materials, and shapes will form a strong momentum,create the whole space dignified, elegant and noble.



The classic pattern carries the exquisite design, the ultimate aesthetic value, integrates art and use, and feels the artistic life.


Keywords:Newcomer, Beautiful, Stylish but relaxed, Familiar, Comfortable

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Natural Classica,In product application , classic black, white and gray, very fashionable and classic blue and wood colors are used to present an elegant and atmospheric feeling, and achieve a visual balance and unity. Partially use gold and silver gray to form a contrast of colors, and then add jumping bright colors to embellish it, adding the classic charm to the trendy temperament, which is more intriguing.



From graphic design to architectural design, geometric patterns have always been an enduring popular element. In home decoration design, the powerful splicing of geometric patterns gives people shocking visual aesthetics.





Keywords:Fashion control,Artistic,Impactful,Creative

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The beauty of geometry / fluorescent color, the relationship between light and dark, and the varying depths,very harmonious looking. (Sexually cold Nordic style) The repeated appearance of lines, textures, materials, and shapes will form a strong momentum.



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