06 JAEN 哈恩
Jaén inspiration comes from shuttering, a moulding technique for construction based on wooden supports.
The design shows the splint of wood and the porosity of concrete, both typical details of untreated surfaces in modern architecture.
A hybrid that enhances materials and texture rawness.
La inspiración de Jaén proviene de la técnica del encofrado, un sistema de molde para la construcción realizado con soportes de
madera. El diseño muestra el entablillado de la madera y la porosidad del hormigón,
detalles típicos de las superficies no tratadas de la arquitectura moderna. Un híbrido que potencia los materiales y la crudeza de las texturas.
When Spain and China come together in a project, they bring out the best in each other and blend into an alloy full of strength and multiplied skills, of combined quality and responsiveness. And they let European style and Spanish design fly away, on a ride to meet a demanding Chinese customer with European tastes.
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