
'Experience' Can 3m wood grain film be attached to gypsum board?

by:I.DECOR     2022-11-24

'Experience' Can 3m wood grain melamine paper be pasted on gypsum board?

2020-06-05 / Source: 3M Wood Grain Melamine Paper / 60

In all kinds of decoration projects, 3M wood grain melamine paper will be used to decorate and beautify the project. When pasting wood grain melamine paper, whether the base layer of gypsum board can be pasted and whether there are special processing requirements, the editor will give you The first thing you need to understand is that 3M wood grain melamine paper products can be applied to a variety of different base surfaces, the product comes with a self-adhesive adhesive, and the sticking effect is firm. The production process has a special air-conducting layer structure, which can be easily discharged and pasted Excessive foaming in the . Let me tell you how to paste it on the base of gypsum board.

The first step: First, according to the requirements of pasting (plane or special shape), the basic leveling treatment of the gypsum board is carried out, the gap of the gypsum board splicing is reduced to less than 1mm, and the nail holes on the gypsum board should be smoothed. This step is critical and can be leveled with putty.

Step 2: When pasting, you need to use a special primer. After diluting it with water 1:3, brush it evenly on the gypsum board. Then let it dry for 10 minutes before sticking.

To sum up, 3M wood grain melamine paper can be pasted on gypsum board. When pasting, brush with primer for better effect!

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