
Does melamine dipped paper have a toxic smell?

by:I.DECOR     2022-05-13

The material of melamine dipped paper is widely used in the decoration industry. Many people's understanding of melamine is a toxic impression, so is melamine dipped paper also toxic and harmful to health?

Melamine dipped paper is mainly made by soaking some boards in melamine resin adhesive, and then drying and hardening. Melamine has very strong oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. It is also non-toxic and harmless. As long as it is not imported, there will be no danger. And there is no problem of volatilization in the air during use. Of course, it is also necessary to pay attention to the processing. The staff should be trained before operating, and after the processing is completed, they should also be tested to ensure that its quality is qualified and the use effect meets the requirements.

We should also be clear when purchasing that high-quality products are not the same as inferior ones, and inferior products certainly do not rule out the generation of harmful substances, so we must be sure when purchasing Notice.

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