01 IBIZA 伊比莎
a wide range of cathedrals, but arranged in a fine manner with much detail. Designs and woods that change our lifestyle.
Our surroundings envelop and embrace us. At the end of the day, a selection of the most eloquent tones and shapes is the main stake of this collection.
Es un roble en el cual resalta su poro arenado y blanqueado. Contiene un gama amplia de catedrales pero dispuestas de una manera fina y con mucho detalle. Diseños y maderas que cambian nuestro estilo de vida, el entorno nos viste y nos envuelve. Al final una selección de los tonos y formas mas elocuentes son la apuesta de esta colección.
When Spain and China come together in a project, they bring out the best in each other and blend into an alloy full of strength and multiplied skills, of combined quality and responsiveness. And they let European style and Spanish design fly away, on a ride to meet a demanding Chinese customer with European tastes.
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